

Professional, legal and financial regulations: they must be observed and adapted to the changes of your company every day. The way we do this procedures has to provide an evidence, having an official control or a legal dispute. Regulations can ensure continuity in connection with an organizational change, that way anyone can become replaced, so the "knowledge" will remain in the company.

For this, we should maintain and uniformly manage the policies, follow the changes, introduce them into practice and get them recognized. For the control and manage the regulars, international standards provide guidance. Furthermore, they also developed a practical solution.

If we talk about quality management system, it is often the unnecessary administration what comes to most of the people’s mind. Contrary to that, excessive paperwork can be avoided and the healthy balance can be found. Of course, it is a basic necessity to putting aside readily available temples and policies that the enthusiastic colleagues brought from their previous workplace. The well-established standards are good in their original site. There are probably several reasons why the documentation and the complexity of administration have escalated in your company. Before review the problem, you should read the following possible solutions. With these regulations the documentation will be much more easier, understandable and transparent.

Regulation of a company the basic and most important thing is that the different levels of rules would be considered properly. If we talk about legislation, the documentation pyramid must be mentioned. The documents appear at different levels in the company. On the top of the pyramid there are those legal controls, which are essentially to be fitted. (The company philosophy, strategy and objectives, process regulations, work instructions in each area, records and documents also). Documents in the higher levels of the hierarchy controlled by an increasingly comprehensive processes and activities. If the transition is clear between levels, - what belongs to what and what can be traced back for what - the company's entire documentation system becomes clearer.

What could be the reason that the most detailed and more extensive regulation are read by your colleagues the least? If they don’t read them, they can’t use them. If they do not use, they do not know. Therefore, you update, modify and track requests from your colleagues, it hasn’t got sense. It becomes redundant after a while and then it is also fits acceptable if we change it . No? Certainly NOT!
How rules work, even when the leader is not in the company? How can be create policies so that it makes sense? How to avoid duplication and overlap?
The minimum is that regulation be understandable, transparent and quickly specific. For this, one of the best solution is drawing flowcharts, provided that includes who, what, when and where do their task in the progress. If you find a healthy balance of detail and scope of the required majority, then this will be a flow chart that everyone like to use.

If an overview flow diagram is one of the most understandable form of regulation, the other intuitive control of the image is using illustrations. How easily perceived a rule, if photo or drawing help your understanding? The regulations are only descriptive texts about references. If this is shown through a related figure, relationships are immediately visible. Nothing prohibits a graphical annex for colleges.

How can a company documents without papers? How communicate internal rules without a single paper can be printed? Simply: electronically. It cannot be signed? But it can be confirmed! Do not see anyone? Restrict access! The benefits are endless: easy to use, authorized persons can access only, quickly modify, can be archived, can be published, and can be retrieved, clear, visible, and traceable and so on. What you definitely need to make sure that the programs and electronic records are consistent with each other, there are no overlaps or duplication.

How could you establish rules that your colleagues actually like using, and do not think of it as a “necessary bad”? A good control helps the job if you involve employees as well in the particular part of the development. This does not mean that you do not decide and employees make the rules! At the same time, as much They are involved in the workflow and as many value they add , as good result will be. They feel the rules, so they will be used more in practice. The question is whether you give more spaces to the old and new employees in the project or not?


Publisher: Piac&Profit
Author Zsuzsanna Kohl
FrameWork Hungary Ltd.