The law of energy efficiency changed again: it is compulsory to apply an expert for some particular company with forwardly determined energy consumption.

This article published on Piac&Profit 

The EU’s 2012/27/EU perspective about energy efficiency have been allowed in Hungary in the summer of 2015. With this application the increasement of the governments’ energy efficiency and the reduction of energy consumption has started. 

According to the LVII. law of 2015, large companies have to organize an energetic audit in every fourth year  or apply and get the certificate for the ISO 50001 standard. Most of the companies took the required steps to meet with the standards expectations in years 2015 and 2016. 

But the law of energy sufficiency changed again. As one of the most severe change, it is worth mentioning that the deadline for the energetic audit and getting the ISO 50001 certificate has elongated to 30 July 2017. It is good for those companies which decided to wait and did not step. 

Another significant change is, that from now it is not obligatory to apply an expert for particular companies. It is important for not just large companies, but those ones, which energy consumption average was more than 400 000 kWh energy, 100 000 m3 gas or 3400 GJ heat in the last 3 years.  

So considering all the facts which has been mentioned, it can be concluded that according to the requirements it is irrelevant whether the companies organise energetic audits or create an ISO 50001 system. 

What does an energetic expert do?

The realization describe this in details and we sum up these tasks here:

• Makes suggestions in connection with the energy efficient operational tools and developmental facilities

•  Does the analysis of the performed energy efficient devices and energy efficient results

• Makes a monthly report about current activities and the amount of the organisation’s energy consumption

• Makes a year summary about the energetic improvements and applied measuring solutions and energy saving results in the target year until 15 May and publishes it on the official website of the organization until 31 May

• Does all the tasks in connection with energetics and energy efficiency

What is worth considering when we choose the expert?

Contrary to the misunderstandings, it is important to mention that the energetic expert takes part and – according to the standards- has a crucial role in the introduction and measurement of ISO 50001 standard, but not as a process control manager.

There is a severe battle in the market as a great amount of energetic companies see the opportunities due to the standard and the skill-benefit scale is still very wide. Because of that, it is practical to searching carefully and asking references during the expert choosing process and make sure that the expert has the required skills, capacity and economic background for the job. 

Kohl Zsuzsanna
FrameWork Hungary Kft.