What can we do if we bought a wrong quality product?
In 1992 The European Organization for Quality (EOQ) proclaimed this day as the World Quality Day, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of commitment to quality.
The quality is usually aware when we are confronted with an error. The customer turns to consumer protection or to a court, in turn the manufacturer and service provider pay a fine. By a proper management of the production and service processes it can be prevented.
We usually realize the value of quality when we are facing a problem. Customers go to consumer protection authorities or to court and the manufacturer and the service provider have to pay the fine.ent of production and service processes can prevent all this. The value of quality is usually aware when confronted with error. The customer turns to consumer protection or to a court, manufacturer and service provider pay a fine. With proper management of the production and service processes it can be prevented. Many of us are familiar with this situation where defective product are bought in a store or when we do not get a response, or refused in relation to a poor quality of service.
Customers only can do to turn to the protection of consumers to the solution of their problems and not to buy more at the store. But what makes the company, which manufactured a defective product? What can a trader do to keep the receiver? How to proceed the servicer in order to correct errors sooner than the subscriber noticing?
International guidelines help companies solving problems. However, no matter how manufacturers and service providers apply these standards in practice, no matter to what extent it will tighten inspections during the product release, how effectively operate a quality management system where you must carefully choose the suppliers and professionals who are directly affected by the quality of the product or service.
Publisher: ProfitLine
Author Zsuzsanna Kohl
FrameWork Hungary Ltd.