Customer relationships are more and more valued nowadays, as satisfied and loyal customers who spread the word about the company are the real assets of businesses. On the other hand, only 25-27% of dissatisfied customers communicate their problems, so it is more difficult to make appropriate decisions about resolution before the customer turns to the competition. Here are 8 methods to get relevant feedback on your company from your customers, so that you can make appropriate decisions to improve the quality of the areas concerned.


1. Measurement of customer loss: The loss of customers could be several reasons. Most notably the fact that the price and quality of the service or product is not in balance with each other. Therefore, getting to know the opinion of the lost customers also can help you find the root cause. Find it easier to rectify the problems, preventing their recurrence and improve market competitive situation. The loss of customers and competitors monitoring can show how to change a certain type of product or service in the market, and also the direction of attention in the market.

2. Customer loyalty rate: quite a complex task to assess whether customers want to trust your products that in turn they are willing to forgive a few errors. Could they appreciate your services so that, despite another recommendation did not change? From numerous methods are perhaps the most obvious, if you look at the fact that customers purchase more products / services or renew any service agreement and recommends, how they advise your company for their acquaintances.

3. Surveys, direct customer feedback: When using questionnaires you must be ensured that during the questioning choose a channel that responses accurately reflect customer needs. If you avoid a “neutral” or “mediocre” categories, you can get a meaningful guidance for improvement.

4. Collecting users’ complaints and unsolicited feedback: Categorizing the received specific complaints areas and processes which can be repaired within the company can be found. Weighting and classification the extent of the feedback’s changes also can be determined after each action. Customer retention in terms of the quality of complaints handling is also important.

5. New customer’s first feedback: new information after the first performance help developing better customer relationships, achieve a high “initial quality”.

6. The first point of contact: a class designated for this purpose, or may be the best qualified staff is the propriety to manage and collect customer’s feedback. The information provided here are subjective and difficult to categorize.

7. Survey by a third party: if you do not have enough capacity to assess the problem areas, you can rely on specialized companies. One of the advantages of outsourced measurements that customers indirectly tell courageously the problems.

8. Measuring in focus groups: to test the old and key customers’ opinions and experiences, a survey (with personal meeting) is a good opportunity to strengthen their loyalty towards the company. The information obtained will really be able to benefit your business if you are use the methods to can provide information, or if you take the necessary steps in the area, according to the product or service to improve results.

Using a regular basis and more than one method is easier to track the changes, consumer’s preferences and the fact that the quality management system – or beyond – measuring employee satisfaction helps business objectives.

Publisher: Piac&Profit
Author Zsuzsanna Kohl
FrameWork Hungary Ltd.