A German study draws the attention to more cost-free development opportunities.
The German Organization for Quality (DGQ) made a survey (Studie zum Gesundheitswesen, Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit 2011) that clearly demonstrates that improvements in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and nursing homes, quality of health care is not primarily a question of money – this can be learned from the study.
Dissatisfaction, but why?
According to the study, staff satisfaction is barely reach the medium level. Wherewith they have problem, it is not mostly missing cost of expensive equipments are waiting for purchase and connected sparked tension. Rather they lack the corresponding leadership, communication and motivation.Of course these factors are closely related. We can not wait motivation from those of employee, whose management is going inconsistently. An example of inconsistent leadership and poor communication with employees. The latter can reflected when important data is unnecessary retardation, the unclear responsibilities, transparent support for all platforms unless otherwise stated. All these issues can be addressed without financial investment.
Improving quality without the cost increase?
Reviewing the management’s style, support transparency and facilitate the creation of joint forums, all of these elements are negligible compared to the purchasing cost of a new diagnostic tool.To the reparation of patient’s comfort, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the service provider partly to develop these factors mean the right way. The patients could directly experience the disadvantages of unmotivated, poorly coordinated work force. If we exclude these problems, we can stand a better chance against other providers.
Quality Management in the service for economic growth?
Handling of communication problems, increment of motivation, mapping of management style problems without professional help, “external eye” is almost impossible. The DGQ survey respondents German health service managers, 82% were convinced that the quality assurance is one of the most important key of successful operation, economic results.
What are the success factors
Success factors between the institutions – according to the opinion of survey respondents – at the forefront of the commitment of staff (21%) and the professional competence of staff (18%) and customer orientation, satisfaction (18%). Compared to these relatively low-cost demanded success factors judged less significant the role of innovation (4%) of cost management discipline (6%)
Enough to recognize?
The survey verify the recognition of problems, but it is certainly not the same as those concurrent solutions. Despite it becomes evident that improvement of quality, optimization of processes, are not financial issues, from recognition is a long way to the problems have been resolved. But we need to see that asides purchasing the most expensive devices deems easily unsuccessful the health care provider that is not willing to put the effort to less money, more energy-intensive factors redefinition and revision of usual operating mechanisms.
Publisher: Magyar Orvosi Kamara – mok.hu
Author: Zsófia Erzsébet Deák
Lector: Zsuzsanna Kohl
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